Available courses
Course Outline:
The Supply Chain in the Upstream Industry has its own specificities and is particularly complex due to the globality of the Oil and Gas Industry.
It is definitely the organization aiming at securing the Oil and Gas development Projects and Operations.
It is interesting to compare the Supply Chains of a Manufacturing industry and of an Upstream entity in order to determine the similarities and differences. Through examples and exercises, the Trainees define themselves the role of the Supply Chain in both industries and their objectives.
The various functions of the Upstream Supply Chains are reviewed in order to understand the interactions and roles within the chain.
This course is designed for any actor of the Upstream Supply Chain: Buyer, Expediter, Stock Controller, Transit agent. It is also recommended to actors of the Logistics trade. All personnel involved in an Oil or Gas development project will also be interested in understanding how the Supply Chain is organized to support these Projects.
Upon completion of this module the Trainees will have a throughout understanding of the Supply Chain and of the main functions of the chain in order to improve its efficiency.
Course Outline:
A few decades ago, the Purchasing function in an Oil & Gas Company was seen only as a Procurement function, being in charge of supplying Goods and Services defined by the end user.
Over the years, the Purchasing function has won its letters of nobility and has proven to be a powerful leverage of savings and cost reduction.
In the energy sector, where production sites are spread everywhere and sometimes in very isolated areas, Purchasing & Procurement have also the mission to secure the supply of high-tech equipment which will travel all over the world before being installed offshore or in remote areas.
These two objectives, cost saving and securing of supply, make the Purchasing & Procurement a strategic function and an essential segment of the Supply Chain as it drives the other steps of the chain.
This course is primarily designed for Buyers but it is also recommended to Requester or Prescriber from Technical Department who will learn how to integrate Lead Time in their schedule, will know how to differentiate a SOR from a SOW, and better express their Needs in order to optimize the Purchasing Process.
Upon completion of this course Trainees will have a full understanding and control of the Purchasing Process whatever they are in Procurement functions or prescribers in Technical Departments. This module intends to improve the Purchasing Process and increase its efficiency by better interacting Requesters and Buyers.
Course Outline:
The Transit function is much more than transporting Goods from one Vendor located at a point of origin to its final consignee in the country of use. It secures the supply of these Goods by ensuring their smooth transit and integrity through borders. In the Oil & Gas industry this final destination may be an isolated/remote area of difficult access.
This makes the Transit & Shipping function an essential element of the operational Supply Chain efficiency.
Transporting sensitive industrial equipment from one point of the world to the opposite within schedule, with an efficient control of the cost and by ensuring their integrity is a condition of success of the Oil and Gas development Projects.
This course is a dense study of the International Freight Forwarding activity:
- It reviews the regulatory frame of the Freight Forwarding activity,
- It defines the key players,
- It details the liabilities and the contract with the Freight Forwarder,
- It explains the cost structure of a Freight Forwarding invoice allowing its control
- It explains in detail the 2020 Incoterms,
- It addresses the important issue of Packing of the shipment in order to ensure its integrity through a complex transportation chain.
- It describes the customs regulations
Any personnel involved in the Expediting and shipping of Goods: Procurement, Logistics, Transit Agent.
Upon completion of this course the attendants will have a complete understanding of the various tasks of the Transit and Shipping functions.
They will also have a sound knowledge of the different transportation modes.
They will be fully familiar with the Incoterms after having completed a lot of practical exercises allowing them to understand the various terms and their use.
They will be able to enhance their efficiency in the various positions of a Transit/Logistics department and improve the Supply Chain efficiency.
Course outline:
Material Management is an essential link of the Supply Chain. It takes a particular importance in the Upstream industry for which the cost of a rupture can be tremendous, without relation with the cost of the equipment itself. The downside may result in accumulation of material which is the opposite of business efficiency.
Where is the good balance? This course will answer this question.
The first module of this course introduces the Material and Stock Management. The introduction explains the financial approach of the Material Management, showing the financial impact of the Stock Value. It also describes the Stock Management in terms of Objectives, Definition, Procedures, Structure and Actors before introducing the Material Management Digital Software, key tools of the Supply Chain efficiency.
The second module covers the Stock Control Activities: The basics, the Master Data, the Stock Control Criteria and methodology. it allow the participants to optimize their expression of need and procurement through the definition and reduction of the Lead Time and the efficient usage of the stock parameters. The module also reviews the General and Specific Processes
The third module is the key of the Material Management efficiency: The Stock Analysis and Optimization: Methods and Objectives of Stock Analysis, the potential problems in Stock Control and how to solve them. It gives also some specific follow-up on top of common Analysis.
Actors of the Supply Chain: Stock Controller, Buyers, Logisticians but also actors from the technical department: Technical Administrators and end users.
By the end of the course, participants will feel confident in their understanding of
- The role and importance of the Material Management within the Supply Chain,
- The Definition, Objectives and Procedures of the Stock Management,
- The Stock Control activities: The Master data, the Stock Control Methodology and Processes.
- The various stock analysis methods.
By the end of the course Participants will be able to:
- Optimize the value and volume of their stocks by using stock analysis and optimization. They will also better interact with the various actors of the Material Management in order to better determine the criticality of the material.
Course outline:
Material Management is an essential link of the Supply Chain. It takes a particular importance in the Upstream industry for which the cost of a rupture can be tremendous, without relation with the cost of the equipment itself. The downside may result in accumulation of material which is the opposite of business efficiency.
Where is the good balance? This course will answer this question.
The first module of this course introduces the Material and Stock Management. The introduction explains the financial approach of the Material Management, showing the financial impact of the Stock Value. It also describes the Stock Management in terms of Objectives, Definition, Procedures, Structure and Actors before introducing the Material Management Digital Software, key tools of the Supply Chain efficiency.
This second module covers the Stock Control Activities: The basics, the Master Data, the Stock Control Criteria and methodology. it allow the participants to optimize their expression of need and procurement through the definition and reduction of the Lead Time and the efficient usage of the stock parameters. The module also reviews the General and Specific Processes
The third module is the key of the Material Management efficiency: The Stock Analysis and Optimization: Methods and Objectives of Stock Analysis, the potential problems in Stock Control and how to solve them. It gives also some specific follow-up on top of common Analysis.
Actors of the Supply Chain: Stock Controller, Buyers, Logisticians but also actors from the technical department: Technical Administrators and end users.
By the end of the course, participants will feel confident in their understanding of
- The role and importance of the Material Management within the Supply Chain,
- The Definition, Objectives and Procedures of the Stock Management,
- The Stock Control activities: The Master data, the Stock Control Methodology and Processes.
- The various stock analysis methods.
By the end of the course Participants will be able to:
- Optimize the value and volume of their stocks by using stock analysis and optimization. They will also better interact with the various actors of the Material Management in order to better determine the criticality of the material.
Résumé du cours :
Dans les projets de développement pétroliers gaziers ou éoliens et dans les entités de production, la logistique est un maillon clé de la Supply Chain et un acteur essentiel de sa sécurisation. Dans les projets et opérations qui se projettent dans des zones reculées, et parfois hostiles, la fiabilité de la logistique est un élément indispensable à la pérennité des opérations.
Le métier de la logistique, dans les entités d'exploration et de production, intègre une large palette de disciplines et d'expertises : Marine, Aéronautique, Transport terrestre, Levage, Stockage... avec une forte exigence d'adaptabilité opérationnelle.
Cette introduction passe en revue l'ensemble des missions, interfaces et disciplines œuvrant au sein du métier de la logistique, constituant le « Package de services » logistique qui contribue à sécuriser les opérations E&P.
Public :
Tout personnel impliqué dans les opérations E&P et Offshore et qui a besoin de comprendre le rôle de la logistique dans la Supply Chain et la diversité de ses disciplines.
Livrables :
A l'issue de ce cours, les stagiaires comprendront le rôle de la logistique au sein de la Supply Chain et auront une connaissance claire de toutes les disciplines constituant le métier de la logistique. Ils maîtriseront les Interfaces avec les Clients internes tout au long des Cycles de Vie Terrain et des spécificités de la Logistique Amont.
Course Outline:
In Oil, Gas or Wind development Projects and producing entities, Logistics is a key link of the Supply Chain and an essential actor to secure it. In Projects and Operations which are projected in very remote, and sometimes hostile areas, the reliability of Logistics is a strong element of Operations sustainability.
Logistics Trade, in Exploration & Production entities, integrates a wide range of disciplines and expertise: Marine, Aero, Land Transportation, Lifting, Storage...together with a strong requirement in operational adaptability.
This introduction reviews all the missions, interfaces and disciplines working within the Logistics Trade, constituting the Logistics "Service Package" which contributes to secure E&P Operations.
Any personnel involved in E&P and Offshore Operations and who needs to understand the role of Logistics in the Supply Chain and the diversity of its disciplines.
Upon completion of this course, the Trainees will understand the Role of Logistics inside the Supply Chain and have a clear knowledge of all Disciplines constituting the Logistics Trade. They will control the Interfaces with the internal Clients throughout the Field Life Cycles and the specificities of Upstream Logistics.
Course Outline:
Over the last 20 years, Offshore Wind Industry has become and essential and fast-growing contributor to decarbonized electricity production. It is an industry on its own with its Market, its Value Chain, its Standards and Good Industry Practices. However, it remains a new industry in constant organization and structuring. The objective is to lower the cost of energy produced in order to become a viable actor of the energy transition. The “availability” of the wind turbines is therefore a key condition to reach this objective.
Supply Chain efficiency and Logistics organization are the tools to both increase the production time of the wind turbines and go farer and deeper to find stable winds without affecting the coastal activities.
The course describes:
- The organization of the Offshore Wind Industry: Its share on the energy market and perspectives, the market structure, Value Chain and Supply Chain organization.
- A Project organization and implementation: The definition of a Project contractual strategy, the necessary logistic organization to support the installation phase.
- The Operations and Maintenance phase: How to organize the logistic support in order to ensure the availability of the turbines and control the cost of Maintenance, essential to the sustainability of the Wind Farm Projects.
- The logistical challenges of the Floating Wind Farms Projects and Maintenance.
All actors of the Offshore Wind Industry who are involved in Project development, Operations & Maintenance, Supply Chain and/or Logistics activities.
Upon completion of this course, the attendants will have a deep understanding of the OWI market, the definition of a wind farm and Supply Chain Organization. They will understand the essential steps of a development project and the key elements of the Operations & Maintenance phase, and the infrastructures necessary for their implementation and support. Finally, they will be aware of the challenges facing the development of the Floating Wind Technology.
Course Outline:
Concerns for Environmental protection, Climate change and Human Health focus the attention on how the Oil & Gas Companies can reduce the impact of their operations on the Environment. This has become an essential requirement of Operator’s efficiency.
Logistics and Supply Chain, by an intensive use of all transportation means to support worldwide industry’s operations, have a key role to play to reduce the environmental impacts of the Exploration, Project and Production phases.
This course is a complete overview of the Research and Developments ongoing to reduce the transports impact on environment. They are at the center of the necessity to decarbonize the economy.
During this session, we will cover all transport modes: Sea, Air and Land and see what are the most adapted ways to develop clean transports.
The last section will see how to reduce the environmental impacts of Warehouses: Design and Operation of the “Green Warehouse”
Logisticians, HSE Personnel, Project Engineer, future Head of Logistics, Transit Agents who need to integrate the reduction of Logistics environmental impacts in their decisions. This module is also adapted to personnel working in Transport sector without being involved in Oil and Gas industry.
Upon completion of this module, Trainees will understand the impacts of Transport sector on Green House Gas emissions and Global Warming. They will be aware of objectives set by International Organizations to reduce these impacts. They will have a complete view of all Research & Developments currently on-going to reduce the impacts. They will be able, in their position, to arbitrate decisions aiming at reducing the impacts of Transports and Logistics on Climate and Health
Course Outline:
Liquefaction and ocean shipping of natural gas have revolutionized the market and use of this energy. The necessity to reduce the worldwide CO2 emissions also boosted the gas trade and share in the energy mix. Natural Gas is seen today as the energy of transition allowing to drastically reduce CO2 emissions compared to Coal and Oil, before non-fossil alternatives are viable in terms of Availability, Safety and Cost.
LNG therefore plays today an essential role in the energy supply security over the world and brought flexibility in the energy Supply Chain.
This introduction will give full understanding of the 4 main elements of the LNG Value Chain: Gas Exploration & Production - Treatment and Liquefaction - Storage-Loading-Shipping - Reception-Distribution-Usage.
Every person interested by energy and the energy transition.
Upon completion of this introduction, trainees will have a complete and deep understanding of the Gas/LNG industry and Value Chain.